Our Work... Projects Completed with Donor Funded
DEAP Disability Development Project
(Leonard Cheshire Disability Islamabad)
DEAP and LCDDP are working in Chakwal with mutual
understanding for rehabilitation of disables of district
Chakwal. Both organizations have supported three disables so
far to establish their own business so that they could
easily survive in society. Both organizations are working on
more cases also. Case studies of all three beneficiaries are
given below.
Mr. Muhammad Bashir Age: 43 Location: Chakwal Project: Scottish Livelihood
Resource Centre, Islamabad. Organization: Leonard Cheshire Disability &
Development Program-Pakistan.
Mr. Muhammad Imran Age: 33 Location: Chakwal Project: Scottish Livelihood
Resource Centre, Islamabad. Organizations: Leonard Cheshire Disability &
Development Program-Pakistan.
DEAP Vocational Training Center Punjab Bait ul Mall)
Ø DVC provided technical
trainings to females of Chakwal city
Ø Four courses like Stitching,
embroidery, flower making and computer short courses have
been introduced so far
Ø Established in 2014 and 1000
female students got benefitted from this project.
Ø Established with support of
Punjab Bait ul Mall and run it on self-help based
Ø 50 % less courses fee as
compare to other institutions
Ø Special discount on fee also
for poor, deserving girls and women
Economic Empowerment Project (Plan International &
Ø worked on YEEP with technical
and financial support of Plan International and NRSP.
Ø Awareness Raising sessions,
Advocacy Events conducted for the promotion of YEE agenda.
Ø Information disbursed
regarding MFIs, TVET Institute, Employment Choices in rural
Ø Strengthening youth forums at
village level
Ø Male and Female Youth forum
established in rural communities
DEAP-IPAS Project # 1
Piloting Integration of Post Abortion Care Messages into existing IEC material of LHWs Project (IPAS International Pakistan)
Purpose of the Project:
The purpose of the project is to increase Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) around safe uterine evacuation (UE) and Post Abortion Care (PAC) in Punjab by developing IEC materials and train Lady Health Workers (LHWs) to enhance their ability to act as active community intermediaries and promote safe PAC among their catchment audience. LHWs play a substantial role in not only preventive and promote care, but also in delivering some of the basic curative care among their communities, as well as strengthening a linkage with emergency and referral care at the health facilities. Research shows that modern contraceptive use is more prevalent in LHWs’ served areas as compared to other areas in Pakistan.
Ø Focus Group Discussions
Ø Conduct Knowledge, Attitude
and Practice Surveys
Ø Trickle down Trainings for
Ø Community Awareness Sessions
Ø Value Clarification and
Attitude Transformation Workshop
Ø Motivation and Appreciation
Ø Logistic Management for 3
VCAT trainings and PAC-MVA orientations with
Øomeopaths Principals and obgyn
faculty at Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi
Ø Orientation of District
Coordinator and Master Trainers
Ø Facility Trainer TOT on LHW
IEC (41 LHSs and 59 LHVs
Ø 61 Trickle Down Trainings
Ø 4-MPAC Trainings of 61 LHVs
Ø 973 Community Awareness
Sessions by LHWs in their Localities
DEAP-IPAS Project # 2
Improving Access to High-Quality Post abortion and Comprehensive Contraceptive Care for Women and Girls in Pakistan Project (IPAS International Pakistan)
Purpose of the Project:
Ipas Pakistan in collaboration with department of health Islamabad capital territory/Punjab and DEAP conducted high quality 4 Training of Trainers for Lady Health Worker’s (LHW) Supervisors, 34 facility level cascade trainings of LHWs and 709 Community Sessions with women and girls by community outreach workers (LHWs) from Ipas selected divisions/district and consultative meeting with stakeholders at Sahiwal. DEAP provided operational and logistic support to manage the project. Ipas Pakistan conducted the following activities in selected Divisions/Districts of ICT/Rawalpindi (Islamabad, Attock, and Chakwal & Jhelum) and District Sahiwal
Ø 4 One day TOTs
Ø Conduct 32 Cascade Trainings
Ø 644 Community Sessions with
women and girls
Ø Operational Support for
Consultative Meeting to Provincial and District Stakeholders
of Sahiwal Division
Ø Research Sprint Activity
Ø Prototype Testing for newly
developed material
Ø Prototype Sharing with
District Stakeholder
Ø Orientation/Training of
Master Trainer
Improving Access to High-Quality Post abortion and Comprehensive Contraceptive Care for Women and Girls in Pakistan” Project funded by IPAS Pakistan
Purpose of the Project:
DEAP provided management of operational & Logistics arrangement for Ipas program activities in selected divisions (ICT-Rawalpindi) for its selected districts Islamabad, Attock, Chakwal, Jhelum and (Sahiwal) for its selected districts Sahiwal and Pakpattan
consultative meetings/provide technical support to
provincial and district stakeholders for developing and
implementing an S&G institutional framework and mechanism of
facility support and supervision"
Master Trainer Training for Sahiwal and Pakpattan Staff
Conduct 6 One day TOT for 112 facility trainers
Conduct 54 cascade trainings for LHWs
1405 Community Sessions with (Women & Girls)
one-day Training of Master Trainers for 8 trainers in
A two-day KAP Survey-Baseline (male FWAs/male mobilisors) in
Commodity Sustainability meeting for ICT/RWP and Jhelum
1405 Community Sessions for Women and Girls by LHWs in
selected districts
Improving Access to High-Quality Post abortion and Comprehensive Contraceptive Care for Women and Girls in Pakistan” Project funded by IPAS Pakistan.
Purpose of the Project:
DEAP has been providing management of operational & Logistics arrangement for Ipas program activities in selected divisions (ICT-Rawalpindi) for its selected districts Islamabad, Attock, Chakwal, Jhelum and (Sahiwal) for its selected districts Sahiwal, Pakpattan and Chichawatni, (Multan) Multan district, Hyderabad and Karachi.
Ø Master Trainer Training for
Karachi, Hyderabad and Multan
Ø 2 One day TOTs for LHWs
Ø 16 One Day Cascade Trainings
Ø One Training for PWD Training
Ø One Facility Trainings for
Male FWAs/Social Mobilisors of PWD ICT
Ø 1670 Community Sessions for
Women and Girls by LHWs
Ø Conduct Community Sessions
with Men via FWAs and Mobilisors on PAC-FP IEC/SBCC
ØCommodity Sustainability
Meeting for Hyderabad / Jamshoro
Improving Access to High-Quality Post abortion and Comprehensive Contraceptive Care for Women and Girls in Pakistan” Project funded by IPAS Pakistan
Purpose of the Project:
* Ipas Pakistan in collaboration with department of
health Sindh /Punjab/Islamabad capital territory (ICT) and
local NGOs/partners plans to conduct high quality 2
(one-day) Training of District Master Trainers, 5 (one-day)
Training of Trainers (TOTs) for Lady Health Worker’s (LHW)
facility trainers, 38 (one-day) facility level cascade
trainings of LHWs and 2153 community sessions with women and
girls by community outreach workers (LHWs) around Ipas
selected divisions/district to orient/sensitize them about
Pakistan abortion law, safe pathways of Uterine
Evacuation/Post-abortion (UE/PAC) and comprehensive
contraceptive care (CC) and referrals.
* Details of activities/trainings per selected
Division/Districts of Karachi (Karachi), Multan (Lodhran,
Khanewal and Multan), ICT-Rawalpindi (Attock, Jhelum and
Chakwal) and Peshawar and Abbottabad.
Ø A one-day Training of
District Master Trainers for Lodhran and Khanewal districts
Ø A one-day Training of
District Master Trainers for Peshawar & Abbottabad
Ø 2 one-day TOTs for LHWs
facility trainers for Lodhran and Khanewal districts (at
Ø 3 one-day TOTs for LHWs
facility trainers for Karachi, Peshawar and Abbottabad
districts (at DHDC)
Ø Conduct 38 one-day cascade
trainings for LHWs (7 in Lodhran, 7 in Khanewal, 8 in
Karachi and 16 in Peshawar and Abbottabad districts).
Ø A one-day Training of
Trainers (TOT) for District Training Instructors of male
FWAs/male mobilisers in Hyderabad/Jamshoro.
Ø Conduct a one-day cascade
training of male FWAs/ social mobilizers of PWD in
Ø Community Sessions with Women
& Girls by LHWs.
Ø Conduct 60 community sessions
with men (husbands) via FWAs and social mobilizers on PAC-FP
IEC/SBCC materials/messages in ICT and Hyderabad
Women Peace Building Project (Paiman Alumnae Trust)
Training organized and conducted by: DEAP in collaboration with PAIMAN ALUMINAI TRUST at The KIDS School System Building. Three Trainings conducted in this project
Brain storming
Group work
Plenary group discussion
Brief by facilitators
Mini presentation by participants
Question answer session
Topics covered:
Gender and Islam
Violence (Definition and Types)
Why include women in Peace building process
Tools for dissemination of information
Formation of Peace building Committee
The training event was a
success because seventy (70) persons including male, female
and children of different location participated in training.
Peace building committee was formed which is ready to work
on involvement of women in peace building project at local
level. All participants had valuable inputs in each session
undergone. They also had a chance to develop professional
relationship with each other and do their work in a better
way in future.
An attempt has been made to equip the participants with
acquired knowledge of Gender, Gender and Islam, Violence (
definition & types), Why include women in peace building
process so that they are able to mobilize, motivate and
involve women for making the activities more effective, self
reliant and sustainable. Participants took keen interest in
role and responsibilities of Gender described by our society
and they realized that a male can also do same work like
female in a daily life. This would enable them to realize
and understand mutual role and responsibilities of male and
female in daily life.
In totality the participants took active part in all
sessions and supported the facilitator with their valuable
inputs, which made the training more efficient and
productive. The participants evaluated the training in their
own way and found it very useful significant for their
personal development.
Peace Building Committee was formed at the end. Five male
and five female members were nominated by participants for
this committee. They announced to work for Peace in Chakwal
with the technical support of DEAP.